Ph.D. - The Australian National University, Canberra (Submitted October 2016)
Thesis Title; Causes and ceonsequences of group living crimson finch (Neochmia phaeteon)
Supervisors; Dr. Patricia Backwell, Dr. Sarah Pryke, Robert Heinsohn
Panel; Dr. Kristal Cain and Dr. Nina Svedin
B.Sc. Hons University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney
Thesis Title; Individual contributions to care in the cooperatively breeding chestnut-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps).
Supervisor; Dr. Simon Griffith, Dr Andrew Russell
Scholarships and awards
2016 - Birdlife Australia Stuart Leslie Bird Conference Award (for ISBE, UK)
2015 - Gavin Jackson Memorial Prize, Birdlife Australia
2015 - Birdlife Australia Stuart Leslie Bird Conference Award (for Behaviour, Cairns)
2014 - The ANU Vice Chancellors Conference Travel Grant
2013 - Australian Bird Study Association Fund for Avian Research
2012 - Australian postgraduate award (2012 - 2016)
Research experience
2011 - 2012 – Save the Gouldian Fund and Macquarie University, Sydney
Field Research assistant, Kimberley, Western Australia
Conservation and Population monitoring, Gouldian (Erythrura gouldiae) & Long-tailed finches (Poephila acuticauda)
2010 - 2011 - Bern University and The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.
Field Research assistant, Launceston, Tasmania
Predation and Communication, Tasmanian brown thornbill (Acanthiza pusilla),
2009 – 2010 – Department of Animal Behaviour, University of Zurich
Field Research assistant, Kalahari Desert, South Africa
Social system and communication, Slender Mongoose (Galerella sanguinea)
2006 - 2008 - Center for the Integrated study of Animal Behaviour, Macquarie University, Sydney
Research Assistant, Broken Hill, New South Wales
Maternal effects, parental care and feeding behaviour, Chestnut-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps)
2006 – 2007 – Evolutionary Ecology Research Group, University of New South Wales, Sydney
Research Assistant, Sydney, New South Wales
Aging, diet and sexual selection, Black field cricket (Teleogryllus commodus), bean beetle (Callosobruchus maculates)
Professional and Outreach Activities
Australian Bird Study Association (
2015 - ongoing Publicity officer (follow me on twitter!! AND Instagram ABSA.Birds)
2014- ongoing Reviewer for Corella's Australian Avian Communities Through Time
2012 - 2013 Secretary
Society Memberships
American Naturalist, Southern Ocean Seabird Study Association (SOSSA), Australian Bird Study Association (ABSA),
Birdlife Australia, Canberra Ornithologist Group, Royal Zoological Society NSW
Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme (ABBBS) - A-class bird banding license holder
Peer Reviewed Publications (see research pages for links)
Young, C.M., Cain, K.E., Svedin, N.S., Backwell, P.R.Y. and Pryke, S. R. (2015). The role of pigment based plumage in resolving contests. Journal of Avian Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jav.00742
Young, C.M., Cain, K.E., Svedin, N.S., Backwell, P.R.Y. and Pryke, S. R. (2015). Nesting success in crimson finches: Chance or choice? Ethology. DOI: 10.1111/eth.12422
Young, C.M., Browning, L.E., Savage, J.L., Griffith, S.C. and Russell, A.F. 2013. No evidence for deception over allocation to brood care in a cooperative bird. Behavioral Ecology 24:70-81
Browning, L.E., Young, C.M., Savage, J.L., Russell, D.J.F., Barclay, H., Griffith, S.C. and Russell, A.F. 2012. Carer provisioning rules in an obligate cooperative breeder: prey type, size and delivery rate. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 66(12):1639-1649
Book Reviews
Grass Finches of Australia by Joseph Forshaw. 2015. Emu 115; 373–374.
Bird Minds by Gisela Kaplan. Corella (2016). Corella 30; 103.
Ph.D. - The Australian National University, Canberra (Submitted October 2016)
Thesis Title; Causes and ceonsequences of group living crimson finch (Neochmia phaeteon)
Supervisors; Dr. Patricia Backwell, Dr. Sarah Pryke, Robert Heinsohn
Panel; Dr. Kristal Cain and Dr. Nina Svedin
B.Sc. Hons University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney
Thesis Title; Individual contributions to care in the cooperatively breeding chestnut-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps).
Supervisor; Dr. Simon Griffith, Dr Andrew Russell
Scholarships and awards
2016 - Birdlife Australia Stuart Leslie Bird Conference Award (for ISBE, UK)
2015 - Gavin Jackson Memorial Prize, Birdlife Australia
2015 - Birdlife Australia Stuart Leslie Bird Conference Award (for Behaviour, Cairns)
2014 - The ANU Vice Chancellors Conference Travel Grant
2013 - Australian Bird Study Association Fund for Avian Research
2012 - Australian postgraduate award (2012 - 2016)
Research experience
2011 - 2012 – Save the Gouldian Fund and Macquarie University, Sydney
Field Research assistant, Kimberley, Western Australia
Conservation and Population monitoring, Gouldian (Erythrura gouldiae) & Long-tailed finches (Poephila acuticauda)
2010 - 2011 - Bern University and The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.
Field Research assistant, Launceston, Tasmania
Predation and Communication, Tasmanian brown thornbill (Acanthiza pusilla),
2009 – 2010 – Department of Animal Behaviour, University of Zurich
Field Research assistant, Kalahari Desert, South Africa
Social system and communication, Slender Mongoose (Galerella sanguinea)
2006 - 2008 - Center for the Integrated study of Animal Behaviour, Macquarie University, Sydney
Research Assistant, Broken Hill, New South Wales
Maternal effects, parental care and feeding behaviour, Chestnut-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps)
2006 – 2007 – Evolutionary Ecology Research Group, University of New South Wales, Sydney
Research Assistant, Sydney, New South Wales
Aging, diet and sexual selection, Black field cricket (Teleogryllus commodus), bean beetle (Callosobruchus maculates)
Professional and Outreach Activities
Australian Bird Study Association (
2015 - ongoing Publicity officer (follow me on twitter!! AND Instagram ABSA.Birds)
2014- ongoing Reviewer for Corella's Australian Avian Communities Through Time
2012 - 2013 Secretary
Society Memberships
American Naturalist, Southern Ocean Seabird Study Association (SOSSA), Australian Bird Study Association (ABSA),
Birdlife Australia, Canberra Ornithologist Group, Royal Zoological Society NSW
Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme (ABBBS) - A-class bird banding license holder
Peer Reviewed Publications (see research pages for links)
Young, C.M., Cain, K.E., Svedin, N.S., Backwell, P.R.Y. and Pryke, S. R. (2015). The role of pigment based plumage in resolving contests. Journal of Avian Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jav.00742
Young, C.M., Cain, K.E., Svedin, N.S., Backwell, P.R.Y. and Pryke, S. R. (2015). Nesting success in crimson finches: Chance or choice? Ethology. DOI: 10.1111/eth.12422
Young, C.M., Browning, L.E., Savage, J.L., Griffith, S.C. and Russell, A.F. 2013. No evidence for deception over allocation to brood care in a cooperative bird. Behavioral Ecology 24:70-81
Browning, L.E., Young, C.M., Savage, J.L., Russell, D.J.F., Barclay, H., Griffith, S.C. and Russell, A.F. 2012. Carer provisioning rules in an obligate cooperative breeder: prey type, size and delivery rate. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 66(12):1639-1649
Book Reviews
Grass Finches of Australia by Joseph Forshaw. 2015. Emu 115; 373–374.
Bird Minds by Gisela Kaplan. Corella (2016). Corella 30; 103.